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The Youth Ministry is responsible for developing programs and activities that minister to the needs of our young people ages 3-18 that will allow them to develop spiritually, socially, emotionally and to take an active role in the church.


Deacons are special assistants to the Pastor: providing Christian leadership, teaching the Word, visiting the sick, overseeing the serving of the ordinances of the church, (Baptism and the Lord's Supper), ministering to the needs of the congregation and managing the temporal/secular affairs of the church

Children's Church

Purpose is to lead children into a saving relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, help them grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Word of God and to show their importance to the body of Christ.


The trustee ministry works, in conjunction with the Deacon Ministry, to ensure the business affairs of the church are handled decently and in order.

Young Adults - Church Off The Chain (COTC)

The COTC is the age group of 18 - 31 years old. We are learning to build a greater relationship with CHRIST through a non-traditional approach. Our goal is to be doers of the WORD and not just hearers; active and alive through JESUS CHRIST our LORD; healthy and well-balanced members of the EMBC family.

Associate Ministers

Assist the Pastor in the Christian Education endeavors of the church Sunday School, Bible Study, Mission, Brotherhood, etc.


The purpose of the Couples Ministry is to enhance the relationship of husbands and wives by interacting with other couples and applying the biblical principles of God's Word to real life situations.


This ministry is instrumental in assisting the Pastor and Deacons in preparation for Baptism and the preparation and serving of the Lord’s Supper. Designated members of this ministry shall support the Sunday School, Sisterhood and Christian Education Ministry in teaching and developing the spiritual lives of the membership.


The Singles Ministry, Social Individuals Needing God's Love Enjoying Salvation ( S.I.N.G.L.E.S.) is designed to encourage our unmarried members to come out and enhance their relationship with God.

Pastor's Aide

Supports the Pastor in carrying out the hospitality mandates of his duties. Plan and host the annual Pastor & Wife Anniversary.

Men - Brotherhood

Provides a Christian atmosphere where men can fellowship spiritually and socially to discuss better ways to serve God and our fellow man through the Church and Community. Promotes establishment of Christian homes, keep men aware of their responsibilities for leadership and of being positive role models.


The music ministry is a vital part of the worship service, often setting the tone for how the service flows. The music ministry at EMBC currently consists of the following choirs:
Male Chorus
Youth Choir
Young Adult Choir
Mass Choir

Women - Sisterhood

To equip, empower and encourage women so they can be effective when reaching out to other women in our church and surrounding committee.


The guardians of order and the compass for direction. Purpose is to serve members and guest who attend worship in such a way that they will feel welcome in God's House.

Sunday School

Ministers to the spiritual needs of all ages in the church by the spirit-filled teaching of the Word of God. One of the most important branches of Christian Education within the church and as such is vital to church growth.


Responsible for feeding guest churches during annual days, in outreach feedings and during our annual Praise in the Park service.

Christian Education

Under the direction of the Pastor, this ministry has the task of identifying, evaluating, and administrating the educational needs, programs, workers and teachers for the Church.


Assists the Pastor by keeping in touch with the membership and reporting illnesses, hospitalization or deaths in the family immediately. Sends cards and/or flowers for the sick, shut-in and bereavement situations.


This ministry is birthed out of the Biblical understanding that we are to meet the basic needs of people and to share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Assists individuals or families in situations of severe financial stress due to loss of shelter, inadequate food supply, or emergency medical needs.

Sound & Tape

Manage the Sound System and all sound related equipment. Record designated Services. Provide audio and video recordings for sale and for distribution to sick & shut-in. Provide operation, maintenance and instruction on the use of all audio, visual and sound equipment.

New Members Welcoming

With an extended hand and a joyful spirit newly joined members are welcomed to the Church. Orientation and directions are given regarding New Members Classes, all scheduled services and phone contacts for questions

Recovery - Try God Outreach

A fellowship of men and women with an active relationship with God who adhere to the 12-Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous – helping each other to stay substance free and helping others to recover from substance abuse.


Provides administrative support for maintenance and communication of Church membership information.

Food Share

Outreach ministry for assisting families in need of food.

Evangelistic Missionary Community Outreach (EMCO)

The Bible tells us to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind. Unfortunately there are certain groups unable to receive the Word of God. EMCO is purposed to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest homes, hospitals, elderly, sick, shut-in and institutionalized.


Provides administrative and financial administration support to the church.


Provides reasonable transportation assistance to those needing a way to fellowship with us.

Advisory Council

All business matters of importance is considered and reviewed by the Advisory Council via the Deacon Ministry before being presented to the Church. Approves all officers and committees, subject to ratification of the church.

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New Members' Class

At Evangelistic Missionary Baptist Church (EMBC) we believe the most critical step in starting a spiritual journey is getting connected relationally with a church home that is right for you. Whether you are a new Christian or one who is simply newly joining the EMBC Church Family, we want to ensure that each new member is provided with a biblical background of five essential topics vital to spiritual growth. Instructions will be given in the areas of Salvation, Doctrines & Ordinances of the Baptist Church, Stewardship, Church Membership and Evangelism.

During the New Members Class you will have the opportunity to meet other newcomers, the Pastor and other members of the EMBC Church Family. You will be given information about who we are as a church, where we have come from, where we are currently and our visions for the future. It is intended that this information will afford you the ability to decide where in the EMBC Church Family as well as the body of Christ that you would like to become involved.

Start your spiritual journey here at EMBC by attending our next New Members Class. For information on the date of the next class please contact the Director of Christian Education.

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